Wendy Dale is about to offer online courses in memoir writing. For more information, sign up for her newsletter below or go to Memoir Writing for Geniuses.
Since first including information on my web site on getting a book published, I have received a multitude of letters from people asking for help with with literary contacts, more often than not, wannabe writers who haven't even taken the trouble to read my works. When it comes to seeking out literary contacts, I think there's a lesson here: Writers are people too. And lots of us are really nice people. And if you take the time the connect with us personally (um, reading what we've written would be a nice start), a lot of us are willing to help you out. As long as a person has actually read my book, I've always responded to emails. However, I think that far too many writers think that contacts are the key to getting a book published. The good news is that this is not necessarily the case. But here's the rub: Your book has to be damn good. And writing a great book is a hell of a lot harder than simply finding contacts in the publishing industry. Read more about this by clicking on the links below: Getting a travel narrative published Tips on literary narrative structure |